Why Blog

Hey you,

Why don’t you take some of the most intimate and personal thoughts and feelings you experience and share them with the world?  You can call it a blog, and you can share it with people you know as well as complete strangers.  Sound like a good idea?

I’m a blogger, and yet the thought of blogging strikes me as really odd sometimes.  Why would anyone possibly want to do this?

And strangely enough, my answer is why would anyone NOT want to do this?

Yes, it leaves me incredibly vulnerable.  Every time I see a comment pop up on one of my posts, my heart flutters a bit.  I’m excited that someone has taken the time to leave a note, but I’m also sometimes a bit scared of what it might be.  Luckily, my readers are incredibly sweet and supportive, but I’m sure if I keep doing this for as long as I plan to that this will not always be the case.

And then there are the times when there are no comments at all.  Those are sometimes worse.  Instead of reading what people thought, I am left to wonder, and when my brain is left to its own devices in times such as these, it often ends up in strange, oftentimes unsettling places.

On top of the responses issue, there’s the fact that I am opening my soul up for everyone to see.  People don’t usually do that.  And let’s face it; it’s not all that normal.  So I see people that I know in real life who also read my blog, and suddenly, there is an inequality there.  They know more about me than I do about them.  Because they don’t share their blemishes with the world.  And I do.  Because I’m weird.  Or crazy.

And so then why do people do it?  Why do I do it?

And I guess my answer is that the only way I know how to live life authentically is to live it out loud.  Too often we hide what is deep within ourselves.  This can be beneficial because we don’t open ourselves up to pain.  Unfortunately, what I think most people learn from this is that they can’t share who they are; they won’t be accepted for who they are.  And obviously this leads shame.

But when we take the plunge and share those parts of ourselves that are usually kept deep within, we say that we won’t allow ourselves to hide.  We won’t be someone we are not.  We will only be ourselves, unadulterated and totally authentic.

And I think that’s important.  I think people need to find others who share their circumstances.  It’s hard to do this when we live in suburban communities where people are always in their houses or in their cars, and free time is spent zoning out in front of a television watching other people’s scripted, perfect lives.  Bloggers can be an antidote for that; they can show the messiness of life.  Because they are willing to.

Bloggers put themselves on display in order to connect with others.  And because of that, it’s a community that I am very proud to be a part of.

read to be read at yeahwrite.me

57 thoughts on “Why Blog

  1. you know, your blog has caused me to consider starting one for my children. I have so many thoughts for them but never put them on paper for the eventual day where I am no longer with them. So, thank you for your inspiration.

    1. That was the best blog comment I have ever received! It’s a lot of fun! If you do, let me know 🙂

  2. Okay, Here’s the link. We’ll see how long I stick with this, hopefully it’s easier than keeping a paper journal (I totally suck at that) 🙂

  3. I love this post. Sometimes I also wonder if my blog is really doing any good. But at the end of the day I remind myself that God told me to do it, and I’m doing it for Him, and He will have it reach whoever needs it. 🙂 You keep up the good work mama! 🙂 http://lholmes79.wordpress.com/

  4. I LOVE this! Mainly because I could have written it. I agree about the comments, and abut the need to be real. I am very real in my blog, and I always cringe when I get comments, especially if it’s from someone I know in real life. For some reason putting the deepest parts of me out there for anonymous readers is one thing…putting it out there for people who know me in real life is harder, because I write things on my blog that I wouldn’t say in person usually.

    But, I think people need that realness, in order to get inspiration and to see that someone else is going through what they are going through, to see that there is hope. To see that life is hard for other people too. So many blogs out there only talk about the great things, they paint life with a rosy picture. While I try to put a positive spin on things, I can’t just ignore the tough parts, because if I write that I’m losing weight, the pounds are falling off, and it’s easy…that doesn’t inspire anyone. But when I write the truth about the struggle and how difficult it is…then someone else can think to themselves…look, it’s hard for her and she’s doing it. Maybe I can too.

    1. I’m so glad the post spoke to you. It is DEFINITELY harder to write when you know people are reading it. I’m glad though that there are bloggers who are willing to keep it real anyway. To me it seems like that’s the purpose of a blog and when they work best.

  5. Hmmm interesting! I know when I first started blogging, I’d only get like two comments a post. But DAMN, those comments were SO EXCITING.

    1. I know! I get so excited with the comments. It’s part of why Why Write is so great 🙂

  6. Such a great post and it explains my feelings so well. I often get people asking why I reveal so much, or why I talk about the things I do. Why not? It’s real. It’s me. And ironically, because I am so shy, people who read my blog understand me better and no longer jump to conclusions. My mother in law no longers hates me because she gets to see who I am! Thats something! lol.

    1. I think blogs are a great way for more introverted people to express themselves. I’m sure people are wondering why I share what I do. But what else are we going to do? Hide forever?

    1. Torture is a good word for it! I’ve finally decided to let it all go, at least for awhile. I was working hard to get my blog out there, and then I realized I was spending more time doing that than either writing or reading other blogs. And that was a mistake! So I no longer do all those blog hops. Just two or three that I really like.

  7. I’ve only been blogging for a short time, but it is a strangely addictive process. In real life I am not an outgoing share it all type of person, so I amaze myself with how much I enjoy this.

    Those posts that don’t get any comments do sting a bit.

    1. Addictive it is! I journaled for a long time before starting my blog, and both are so addictive. But if you have to be addicted to something, it might as well be writing 🙂

  8. I love this answer. You and I blog for basically the same reasons and I love that. I want my kids to know my memories also… and if I’m ashamed to be doing it – then I shouldn’t be doing it. 🙂 Great post.

  9. I don’t worry about comments too much, or if anyone reads my blog. (I haven’t logged into my Google Analytics account for over a month)
    Sure it makes me very happy people read and comment, but I write my blog because I just really need to get things off my chest.
    Every once in a while I have a moment when I think: “Shit, what if (my mom, sister, boss….) reads this?” But really, it’s all about being authentic and I don’t write anything on there that I would not say in real life to everyone’s face.

  10. oh, that little flutter of excitement! i know it well. yes, blogging, and writing in general we open ourselves up to be viewed by others. the good and the bad. but i’m interested in the humanity of it all. great thoughts 🙂

    1. The humanity of it all — I like that 🙂

      People have felt the need to write since before we had an actual written language. I think perhaps it’s buried somewhere deep in our dna or something!

    1. Haha — that is EXACTLY how I am when my husband reads my blog. I can’t imagine watching anyone else read it!

  11. I enjoy speaking so freely through blogging, but I also find it incredibly awkward when people I know in real life tell me they read my blog. Is that weird? Maybe it’s because I’m an introvert 😛

    1. If that’s weird, then I am as well! It’s incredibly odd when the two worlds collide.

  12. It’s hard to be vulnerable enough to put yourself out there for the whole blogosphere to judge. I cringe when I get an ugly comment but in the grand scheme of things I only have to please myself with my writing.

    1. Yes — that is what I always remind myself. I’m not blogging to please others. I’m blogging to share myself. People can take it or leave it.

  13. I try to remind myself I blog for me. However, it is so nice to receive comments from strangers and learn others have either shared your experiences or feelings. It’s a strange way to receive validation, but it sure feels great!

  14. Blogging has given me far more than I can share here. It has served as a journal and chronicle of the lives of my children. It is where I figure out my thoughts, feelings and ideas about life.

    It has provided work and introduced me to some great friends. I It really has been wonderful.

  15. I think you really hit it when you said that when you see a IRL friend and you know they read there’s an inequality. That one really got me thinking!

  16. Sometimes when we are trying to finish a video or meet a self-imposed deadline, I’m like, whoa, why am I doing this?

    But I’ve found I like having a product out in the world, something that is mine. And I was so pleasantly surprised by the interactive quality of blogging. I mean I knew people left comments, but I was surprised by the depth of dialogue and relationships that have developed.

    Blogging has also given me a new depth of dialogue with my girls. I would have never asked them to tell me what they liked about me had it not been for a post. Who does that? But their answers blew me away and I now not only have a blog, but a treasure. (corny, but true) Ellen

    1. You are right about having a “product!” That’s one thing I miss about being a sahm. Blogging helps give me that.

  17. I agree with everything that you said!
    It’s about sharing life experiences with others, and as a bonus the sense of community is amazing.

    1. Yes! I was so surprised by how welcoming the blogging community is. It’s amazing 🙂

  18. I consider myself a newbie still as i’ve been blogging less than a year. This is a great testament to the blogosphere.

  19. Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed with my words for ALL to see I remember I’m just one blog of millions. I like my circle of reads and readers, both IRL and WWW friends alike! I still go back and forth with the WHY but that keeps it interesting! Good piece!

  20. Yes, you laid out how bare we all feel at times. When there are no comments — is anyone reading? I love how I felt your vulnerability because we all know of what you write and feel that way too.

  21. I blog for myself b/c I HAVE to. I love writing, and there’s a voice inside me yearning to be heard. It is a little strange for some people to think about, but now I can barely remember my life and what I did before I blogged!

    visiting from yeah write

  22. This post really spoke to me, ’cause I lay it all out there on my blog, hence the name “Just Keepin’ It Real Folks”. Sometimes it offends some folks, but at least I’m staying true and authentic to myself and that is what truly matters the most to me.

  23. Yes! Reading others blogs has helped me realize that I’m not alone in the things I’m dealing with or the way I feel. I love the blogging community!

  24. Love, love, love it! I sometimes wonder if anyone ever reads anything I write anyway. But, it doesn’t really matter, as long as it makes me happy, right? =)

  25. You hit the nail on the head. That need to connect with the world is such an ancient pull that blogging fulfills so well. Interesting question to ask though. I think the answer is ultimately different for everyone. Erin

  26. This post made me think about why I blog. It was mostly just to write. I never expected to share much about myself, but it was unavoidable.

    Thanks for making me think!

  27. This line sums it all up! “…my answer is that the only way I know how to live life authentically is to live it out loud.” I couldn’t agree more. Blogging has helped me find a voice I didn’t know I had. It’s helped me let go of (some) fears and insecurities. Is it crazy? yes. Will we look back 10 years from now, and say “WTH were we thinking?” I hope not. 🙂

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