My Little Singer/Songwriter


TJ brought out the old karaoke machine yesterday.

I think this quote explains perfectly how it is going.

Magoo: “Mommy.  We don’t need any other toys in the whole world because all we are going to play with all day, every day is the microphone.”

I think I should offer a formal apology to my neighborhood.

When I was little, I used to write songs all the time.  My classic lyric was “The grass is green/ the sky is blue/but nothing is as beautiful as I love you.”  Yea… I’m shocked Nashville never picked it up.  Their loss I guess.

Anyway, considering my long history with childhood songwriting, I thought it was really cute when I saw Magoo doing the same thing.

She gave me permission to post the lyrics here.

You Have to Love to Be Able to Go to Heaven

By Magoo

With the power of love

You may go to Heaven

You have to love to go to Heaven

If you love you may go to Heaven


With all your love

With all your follow*

With all your soul

You can go to Heaven


With all your love

This is the power

You have to go to Heaven

Follow the Ten Commandments

With all your love

With all your follow


If you die, you are still alive

With all your love

You are in Heaven

If you died and if you are dead

You are still alive in Heaven

You have a new life in Heaven

With all your love

With all your soul

With all your follow.

* I’m not exactly sure what a follow is.

Now just imagine this being belted out five feet from you over and over again for about half an hour from a microphone on “loud.”  I guess it’s my payback for the hundreds of hours I spent doing the same.

And I guess I should put a caveat here that I just banged my head against the wall so hard that it rebounded forward, and everyone, including Goosie, stopped in their tracts because of the noise the bang created.  So I very well may have been hallucinating all of this.  This possibility became even more plausible to me as I found myself listening to Magoo getting upset when she found out that her song lyrics, when posted, would only be available in English and thus people all over the world might not be able to read them.

I think it’s time to go lie down now.

And yea, perhaps this makes me a horrible mom for posting my daughter’s words on the internet.  I try to never post anything specific about them.  I figure permission cannot really be granted by a five year old.  I made an exception here because the song was the moment and the moment was spectacular, and sometimes rules just need to be broken in the name of preserving what makes life so special.  She can sue me when she gets older for breach of privacy.  Although all of our money goes to her and her sisters, so I’m afraid she will be tapping a dry well.