
Blog a day May topic: What do you miss?

It seems like everywhere I turn, people are lamenting past seasons of their life. I wish I could be twenty again.  I wish I could be a kid again.  I wish…

And I don’t usually chime in because I really don’t want to be anywhere or any time but right where I am.  I wouldn’t go back in time and relive my younger days.  Sure, it would be great to have the energy of my twenties, but my mid-thirties are doing well by me.

That being said, there is a place that I miss desperately at times, and that place is Milwaukee.

I remember when I was in high school, and I would go to college visits with my parents.  It was intoxicating.  I loved the energy.  Even at my least favorite campuses, the vibe was almost palpable.

I think it’s the energy of promise and fresh faced idealism.  At that time in your life, everything is new and exciting.  Everything is almost infused with possibilities.  It’s a time of preparation for the rest of your life, and for most college kids, their opportunities seem endless.

And there’s the beer.  College always holds the promise of large quantities of beer.

But like I said, I wouldn’t want to go back to that time.  With all of that possibility also comes a lot of doubt, and with all those new doors and new relationships comes some loneliness.

But I wouldn’t mind spending about five minutes as a high school senior walking the sidewalks of Wisconsin Avenue, taking the guided tour of Marquette.  Just to feel again what it is like to see only open doors.

Wisconsin Ave.


2 thoughts on “Milwaukee

  1. Beer? Not so much, but if you have wine I would be there. Seriously I get you. I would not like to go back in time. I like where I am right now

  2. I hear you. I have no desire to go back to a previous point in my life… I spent so much of my younger years insecure and miserable, and I’m just now getting to point where that’s not so much the case.

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