
I’ve been sitting here for ten minutes trying to put into words what it is that I feel this evening.

But I can’t.


Because I look at this picture, and I think of these girls, and I think of my life, and I look at my husband, and I can’t hear the words.  There is nothing to pass forth from these fingers through this keyboard and onto this screen because it’s a feeling.  A peace and a love and a comfort, and an overwhelming sense of being bathed in blessings that are beyond anything I could have imagined.

Life is beautiful.

Sometimes that very simple fact can get hidden in all the broken, but still, it is always there.  The simple, magnificent, magnanimous, eloquent beauty of it all.

Perhaps if we resided in this beauty too long it would burn us.  Perhaps that’s why it comes in moments.  Perhaps it’s just a glimpse of the beauty we will reside in one day over the rainbow.

I don’t know.  I don’t think any of us do.

I think all we can do is catch our breath, look up at the sky, and say “thank you.”