
Someone once told me that he didn’t believe in God because God seems too implausible.

I thought of that this morning.  I asked Magoo if she thought I was a good mom.  She said yes.  Then she said, “actually, you try too hard to be a good mom.  You’re always trying to get everything done and get everything done ahead of time.”  And then she trailed off.

And it was just another piece of proof for me.

Ever since the night before I had been feeling like I wasn’t enough.  I was giving every ounce that I had, and it seemed I was still coming up desperately short.  I went to bed last night beating myself up for not trying hard enough.  For not being good enough.  For not taking care of my family the way they deserve.

And then she said that.  The exact words I needed to hear.  And I knew that those words would have never come from an eight year old without inspiration.

I still worry that my all isn’t good enough.  But now I’m reminded that I’m deeply loved – both here in my home and up above.

God exists and He’s all around.  We don’t really even have to look.  We just have to be open.